
New Year, New Format

El encuentro” © Iñaki Bolumburu, 2015. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

I have to say that 2015 was my least favorite year to date. Maybe that means 2016 is going to be a good one. With the new year I’ve decided that this blog could use a little overhauling, so I’m making some changes in the way I post here.

From now on, you’re going to get five posts a week instead of just two. This is a tremendous undertaking for me, both because of the writing and because of the mental and emotional tax that writing holds. I think it will be a valuable and important part of our upcoming year and I’m very excited about it.

On Mondays, I’m going to give you an update on what I’m doing for my own personal development. This could be anything from how I overcame an urge to drink, to a particularly important run I took, to my goals for the upcoming week. Having bipolar disorder and being a recovering alcoholic take a lot of energy and I’d like to start writing more openly about that.

Wednesdays are going to be for book reviews. One of my big goals in 2016 is to read fifty books, so to keep myself on track I’ve decided to start writing about what I’m reading. I hope these will be interesting, informative, and inspiring for you.

Then on Fridays I’m going to be doing guest posts. (Email ruby[at]rubybrowne.com if you’re interested in writing one.) These are a collection of pieces from other writers and bloggers that I love. I’m thrilled about this addition to my blog and hope you find some exciting new voices to follow.

Tuesdays and Thursdays will continue to be a collection of everything else. This is where you’ll find my poetry, talks about relationships, and all the mental health goodness you follow this blog for.

Hopefully this new format is stimulating and thought provoking for all of you. I’m ecstatic to put more time into this blog and this community growing up around it.

Here’s to a better 2016.

21 thoughts on “New Year, New Format

  1. I am awestruck by the goal of five posts a week, having a hard time cranking out one a week myself. I do look forward to reading all of them this year. BTW, I got an email notice of your recent post, “Porcelain” and am still gett in 404 Error Page not found, on it. I’ll keep trying in case whatever the problem might be gets fixed.


    1. Hi Bob! I must admit I’m pretty nervous about the five posts a week thing, too. But I’m hope it’s not TOO ambitious. Cautiously confident.

      “Porcelain” was accidentally posted when it should have been scheduled. Watch for it tomorrow!


  2. You can do it!
    Don’t hesitate to put a time limit on your goals though. Like a 30-60-90 check in. Since most of us blog, we know how challenging just posting once a week can be.
    But give yourself a time goal to achieve for success and then revise revamp as needed. 🙂


      1. (P.S. I know you know this already, but I’mma say it so it’s said…best laid plans etc… PLEASE don’t beat yourself up if life gets in the way or you’re not able to maintain the pace. As you said, it’s a huge undertaking and I’d hate to see it crumble into a benchmark of failure… (I say this because I’m known for setting myself very high expectations and then letting myself down and getting all thing about it…))


  3. Ooh, I’m excited. I applaud you for taking on this challenge – I myself wonder how I manage to find things to blog about just once a week! But your system of having specific types of posts on each day is a great idea. I’m especially curious to see what you have to say about books you’re reading!


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